
Candidate Profile No-No’s

21st May 2018

Article written by:

Chris from iContract

The job market is becoming increasingly competitive all the time. With so many roles readily available on a regular basis, though this spells good news for those actively seeking, it means recruiters’ lives are that more busier when trying to fill these roles. And with their working lives intensified, this makes it even more difficult for candidates to get noticed and stand out from the crowd. Thanks to increased work-load, a recruiter’s attention is diminishing and so is the average window of time for candidate assessment. Candidates have got one opportunity to get noticed and if they wish to achieve this, they should aim to avoid these no-no’s on their profiles.

Outdated Skills

Certain skills can go out fashion within a manner of months. Particularly in the world of tech, the rapid advancement of it as an industry has made certain web languages obsolete when it comes to every day implementation. Recruiters are always looking for candidates with key skills that have use for today, rather than 10 years ago.

It pays once in a while to go through your candidate profile and take a closer look at what skills you possess are still relevant and which ones are outdated and would need removing from your profile. Remember, just because you don’t have a particular skill-set, doesn’t mean it ends there. With the amount of training courses available today, you can spruce up your profile within a short amount of time.

Irrelevant Experience

In any job application we put forward, we’re always keen to reflect the wealth of experience we’ve had whether we’ve been in the world of work for only a couple of years or much longer. But remember, like skills, experience can become outdated and irrelevant to the types of jobs you’re looking for today.

Whenever on the hunt for a new position or contract, think about the types of roles you’re looking for. Would a prospective employer and recruiter be interested in hearing about previous job roles held that bear no relevance to the position in question? When giving your profile a spruce up, think carefully about what experience needs to be included, and what experience is expendable to your profile and is just taking up room.

Long winded detail

With recruiter’s time and attention spans so sparse today, they really don’t have time to get bogged down in inane detail. Detail is important in any candidate profile but it’s important to not get carried away when explaining your work history. Remember to be clear and concise when detailing your work life and achievements. Put yourself in a recruiter’s shoes. If you were going to sift through over 100 applications, would you give your precious time and attention to applications that read like full length novels?

Just keep it simple and it pays to always look at your profile every so often and see if you can condense it even further.

With more recruiters registering with iContract each day and posting contracts on a regular basis, why not give your iContract profile some love? Log into your contractor profile at and update your profile and ensure it’s up to date with your key skills and receive contract recommendations tailored to your profile.

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